This site was put together to help men learn natural ways to last longer in bed. Although often “swept under the rug” premature ejaculation is a significant relationship problem which is estimated to effect up to 50 percent of all couples.
It can be hard for men to find information on how to last longer in bed naturally without the user of pills, drugs or sprays and we hope to fill the gap. We hope you enjoy the article on the site and that it help you or your partner in your quest to overcome premature ejaculation.
In the vanguard of the distance learning revolution, UMassOnline pioneered and helped define the online educational opportunity ten years ago. Our ongoing leadership and educational value system has seen us become one of the leading national online educators. This online community is simply another part of a profound ongoing process to further shape and refine distance learning, and to make the UMassOnline experience a truly unique opportunity for lifelong learners worldwide.
Many academic leaders, scholars, and students are discovering the power of online communities like this and the value of open conversations among people with a diversity of opinions and contributions to make involving matters of shared interest. Blogging, and the easy access to – and exchange of – ideas that it has spawned, is having a “transformative” effect on education.
This isn’t a lecture hall; there is no traditional classroom hierarchy. Everyone who comes here and anyone who wishes, with appropriate consideration for others, to advance the discussion, has fellow citizenship status.